Land Record Management System contains the details regarding the ownership, land
holding, expiry of lease and other related details of institutes and their regional
stations of ICAR.
There are few Institutes where renewal lease of land and other ownership issues
are pending for so long. Similarly, no information has been available for the Institutes
where lease ownership is going to expire in next two-three years.
ICAR had previously collected some information about land area holding and ownership
details. This information has been stored in the backend database of this system.
This user-friendly system would help in entering information about lease period
details of the land records. This would also save time and energy unnecessarily
required for collection of data repeatedly and also help in better management of
land record in future.
With growing pressure on land, it is becoming a scarce resource and the demand for
land is increasing from State Governments also. The information obtained from this
software can be readily used for deciding the future policies for land management
by ICAR.
This software would also generate advisory about expiry of lease where lease would
expire within one year.
Similarly, advisory would be generated for updating the status of dispute/ court
cases on quarterly period. This software also sends the advisories to the Director
of the institute, Administrate Head (Head of Office) and Director (Works) by email.
This software has been developed by IT Unit of ICAR-IASRI in collaboration with
ICT Section of ICAR.